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Age: 76
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a rubbish, which he wrote on Prophet Muhammad.

Before I proceed dissecting Ali Sina's crap, the readers should keep in mind that Ali Sina, who claims to be an ex-Muslim, is a closet-apostate, who hides behind a veil.

During a few exchanges with me on his site, Ali Sina had confirmed that he did not understand Qur'aan in Arabic at all and read it with the help of a translation in English. He is on record for saying that on his site.

I will go through his book and I will first start with "About the author", in his junk book to see how this megalomaniac lies through his teeth.

All readers are welcome to comment and are also free to post this series anywhere they wish.


Last edited by BMZ on Fri 07 May, 2010 9:44 pm; edited 2 times in total
Post Posted:
Fri 30 Apr, 2010 12:05 am
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Post subject: Dissecting Ali Sina Post 1: Reply with quote  

Let us start with the opening of Ali Sina's Book by going through the topic, "About the author", in stages and I quote from the first para, followed by dissection:

I am a Canadian of Iranian descent.

What a deception! Let us read one of the emails from Ali Sina's own collection at his site. M. A. Khan, wrote:

Mr. Sina,

As you mentioned on your website that you were born to a Jewish mother and Hindu father and you were raised as Christian. What the fuck is that. And then in the cave you also find fire and became fire worshiper. Good.Then next day you will find a pussy and become a pussy worshiper. Day after that you will discover you have a hairy ass and you will become a hairy ass worshiper.

Keep on doing this. It?????????????????????¢??s very good for you. And please let me know if you give blowjobs. And what?????????????????????¢??s your rate. Someone told me that you are a prostitute who we can trust. But it?????????????????????¢??s ok. And did you get your ass shaved or a laser treatment? It?????????????????????¢??s ok if you have hairy ass. I?????????????????????¢??ll pay you for the laser treatment and then uhahh. You will get a best fuck of your life.And don?????????????????????¢??t change my messages pussy, are losing my trust. And I don?????????????????????¢??t like it. If you do that I?????????????????????¢??m going to bend you over and put your head all the way up you hairy ass, you pussy brain.

M A Khan

Please ignore Khan's other comments but keep in mind the comment in bold and blue.

Let us now look at Ali Sina's reply:

Ali Sina: So you go uhahh about asses!!? You must be a real Muslim then. However, I don't think you'll like my ass. I am too hairy. And I personally prefer womankind. Pray so you die soon as Allah has reserved for you and all other brainless Muslims "pearly boys" o compensate you for your bigotry and stupidity. All terrorists, and believers of the savage prophet who's fruit are "people" like you will partake of endless orgies and debauchery prepared for them by Allah.
Ali Sina

Note that Ali Sina did not deny or refute Khan's key statement that he is of a Hindu father, a Jewish mother and was raised as a Christian! It was quite a serious opening statement by Khan and Ali could not deny the fact! If it were not true, Ali Sina would have strongly objected to that and would have corrected Khan. In other words, Ali Sina acknowledged it.

The Link:

Ali Sina: I received my Islamic education at school during a time when Iran was secular and Islamic revivalism, although simmering beneath the surface, had not yet erupted. Back then, few actually knew the reality of it. I left Iran before the Islamic Revolution in my mid-teens to continue my higher studies in Europe.

And here, he tells everyone that he received his Islamic education at school, which could just have been a standard subject known as Religious Knowledge at most schools in the region. Iran was never secular in its modern History. That is another lie.

He appears not to know the reasons for the 1979 revolution and looks ignorant of the past 250-280 years. I will post a summary of that History separately, when I have more time.

Ali Sina: In Europe I learned about freedom of thought and
democracy. Democracy is a concept completely alien to the Muslim psyche ?????????????????????¢?? to the extent that there is no equivalent terminology for it in Arabic or in other languages spoken by Muslims. If they have no word for it, it follow that they have no idea of it.

What an ignorant fool and a liar! And also what a slow learner!

Students of even the poorest and backward countries, the former colonies, had learned from the British, the French, the Dutch and other colonial masters about freedom of thought, speech and democracy in the West.

It is a different story that they were given their independence only after 1940s by the champions, who were having democracy and elections in their own countries.

And these were the same countries, which had not allowed freedom of thought and speech and and did not introduce democracy and neither allowed it to flourish in the countries they ruled with an iron hand.

Iran had a democratic government under Prime Minister Mussadeq and this democratically elected government in the early 50s, which was brought down by the British and the CIA, which is a well-known fact. Ali Sina does not know that Iran had elections in the late forties.

So, Ali Sina gets demolished within the First Para of "About the author".

Please stay tuned for more.


Last edited by BMZ on Sat 01 May, 2010 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Fri 30 Apr, 2010 3:23 am
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

Sina looks like a slapper from a polytheist family, and the attempts to hide behind attacks on Islam are none too successful. The brothel where Sina and other fake ex-Muslims try to pimp themselves in itself speaks volumes about their whoresome aptitude ,buddy.
Post Posted:
Fri 30 Apr, 2010 5:54 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

The wrote:
Sina looks like a slapper from a polytheist family, and the attempts to hide behind attacks on Islam are none too successful. The brothel where Sina and other fake ex-Muslims try to pimp themselves in itself speaks volumes about their whoresome aptitude ,buddy.

True that, bro. You have read the minds of Ali Sina and his goons well.

FFI is the Whoredom of Polemicists, with twisted and warped minds.
Post Posted:
Sat 01 May, 2010 12:56 am
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Post subject: Dissecting Ali Sina Post 2: Reply with quote  

I will now quote Paras 2, 3 and 4 from "About the author".

Ali Sina wrote:
After studying the history of the western philosophy and seeing how it had evolved to eventually give birth to the Renaissance and Enlightenment, I concluded that what ailed the Muslim world is lack of freedom of thought.

I have already addressed this in my earlier post. What really ailed the Muslims world was the occupation by the Colonizers, who were not only capitalizing on their natural wealth and resources, just as they were doing with other non-Muslim occupied territories. There was nothing left for educating the Muslim illiterate masses. And those, who were not occupied, were pitted against each other under the Divide and Rule Policy.

Ali Sina wrote:
However, it was only when I read the Qur?????????????????????¢??an from cover to cover for the first time that I realized the main cause of the backwardness of the Muslims is Islam.

After reading the Qur?????????????????????¢??an, I was in shock. I was shocked to see the
violence, hate, inaccuracies, scientific errors, mathematical mistakes, logical absurdities, grammatical solecisms and dubious ethical pronouncements. After a period of confusion, guilt, disillusionment, depression and anger, I accepted the conclusion that the Qur?????????????????????¢??an was not a book of God, but Satanic verses, a hoax, and the product of a sick mind. The experience was like awakening and realizing that what I was so intensely experiencing thus far was just a dream.

Ali Sina fails to impress us here. The above statements are wild and no person, who has read and understood Qur'aan, will say so.

There is no violence in Qur'aan, no hate statements and no incoherence. His statements show clearly that he has not really read Qur'aan cover to cover. Such statements can only come from a sick and pervert mind, who makes silly fleeting statements.

As, we proceed, we will show later how much of Qur'aan does Ali Sina really understand and that can be seen from the silly and idiotic way, in which he cherry-picks the verses of Qur'aan to distort and make his silly points.

Ali Sina wrote:
After studying the sacred Islamic texts, the hadith (traditions) and the Sira (the biography of Muhammad), I became convinced that the ills affecting the Muslim world are caused by Islam and that this religion is a serious threat to mankind. As will be seen in this book, it is a destructive and anti-human idea reflecting the very mind of Muhammad.

I do not believe that Ali Sina has really studied all the Hadith collections and other books on Islam. One can see that from his limited choice of books, he quotes from and those happen to be the most unreliable.

Here, I wish to point out that Ali Sina uses the word Sirah and thinks that Sirah means Biography in English. This already shows that he does not know Arabic.

In one of my exchanges with him on his site, Ali Sina had confirmed to me that he read and understood Qur'aan using English translations, as he could not understand Arabic.

Sirah means the life of the Prophet as told by various narrators. Those narrations, just like Hadith Collections were collected by some men. I will come to them at a later stage.

Nobody, back then, wrote any biography of the Prophet. That is where Ali Sina fools people by referring to "Biographies of the Prophet" by Toms, Dicks and Harries, he chooses.

I am not talking about the modern biographies written by Karen Armstrong, Martin Lings, Rafiq Zakaria and many others.

Please stay tuned.

Post Posted:
Sat 01 May, 2010 3:01 am
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Post subject: Dissecting Ali Sina: Post 3 Reply with quote  

Continuing with Ali Sina's gibberish in "About the author"

Ali Sina: I launched my counter-jihad in 1998. The notion of reforming Islam was impossible. Islam is brittle stone. You can?????????????????????¢??t mold it, but you can smash it into pieces and pulverize it. Muslims are aware of its vulnerability and that is why they are so intolerant of criticism. Islam is like a house of cards, sustained by lies; all it takes to demolish it is to challenge one of those lies holding it together. It is a tall building, erected on quicksand; once you expose its foundation, the sand will wash away and this mighty edifice will fall under its own weight.

Silly and idiotic comments but the first line, " I launched my counter-jihad in 1998. " caught my attention.

Here, we have a man who launched his counter-jihad from some basement or a closet, wearing a burqa. Those who are carrying their Jihads are out in the open, while Ali Sina carries his counter-jihad with a fake name, fake degree and dares not come out in the open, while living in Canada, a safe place.

Even ex-Muslim women like Maryam Namzie, Wafa Sultan, Noni Darwaish, Ayan Hirsi Ali and others are all out in the people and stand for what they believe in.

And it is so strange to see that Ali Sina, a man, continues to hide behind a veil.

Who would trust a man like this, who does not stand up openly for what he believes?

It is amazing to see Ali Sina doing a counter-Jihad by having a site known as Faith Freedom International, which is full of clueless goons and freaks, mostly polemic Christians, evangelists and Hindus and a few Jewish members (Perhaps, his relatives) and does his counter-Jihad by debating on emails. I find it hilarious and laughable.

Ali Sina: In 2001, I announced that Islam will be nothing but a bad memory in just three decades or so, and that many of us would see the end of it in our own lifetime.

My claim raised many eyebrows. I must admit I was hesitant making such a statement because I knew many would dismiss it as unrealistic and even foolhardy. Yet the more I thought about it, the more certain I became. Today, many others are also seeing the inevitability of the death of Islam. The whisperings of criticism of Islam are being heard everywhere, both by those who were born within Islam and by others. It is becoming increasingly clear that the problem is not with Muslims and how they interpret Islam but with Islam itself.

He does not know that over the last ten years, Islam has continued to attract hundreds of thousands of people, who have embraced Islam.

I don't believe that he has raised many eyebrows with that silly statement. I did a survey on the ground and found that hardly a few Muslims had heard about him.

By not being on the ground in real life, Ali Sina is a myth.

Ali Sina: Muslims are the primary victims of Islam. My objective is not just to expose the dangers of Islam, but also to rescue Muslims from this web of lies. I want to save them from blowing up the world, realize that mankind is one family, and help them come back to the human race, to prosper and live in peace. I want the unity of Mankind, not by introducing yet another doctrine, which always ends up dividing mankind further, but by exposing and removing
the chief doctrine of hate in the world.

Ali Sina has simply introduced a doctrine of hate. One can see only bigotry in his above statement.

Ali Sina: There are many disillusioned Muslims who are confused and can find no answers anywhere. They are ready to leave Islam but they don?????????????????????¢??t know where to turn. They need answers and a support group., the site I created, was to meet that need. The Internet, because of one?????????????????????¢??s anonymity, is an ideal place for apostates to meet, exchange ideas, clear each other?????????????????????¢??s doubts, share experiences, support and affirm one another. Islam would have imploded a long time ago if thinking Muslims had the opportunity to question Islam without fearing for their lives. Islam has survived so far only because it has suppressed all criticisms.

Just plain gibberish and I consider that a rant and not worth commenting. People over the internet can visit his site Faith Freedom International and can see for themselves that people of extremely low calibre and class are writing rubbish and that includes Ali Sina too.

Becasue of anonimity, Ali Sina crafts and writes emails to himself and then answers the mails, which of course, is a deceitful practice.

Quote: is read by millions of people across the world. It has become the meeting ground for those who are concerned about the threat of Islam and want to know what drives some Muslims to this much hate and savagery. Faith Freedom International has grown to become a movement. It is a grassroots movement of ex-Muslims. Its aims are (a) to unmask Islam and show that it is an imperialistic ideology akin to Nazism but disguised as religion, and (b) to help Muslims leave it, end this culture of hate caused by their "us" vs.
"them" ethos and embrace the human race in amity.

As some have defined it, Faith Freedom International is ?????????????????????¢??a quiet global revolution in the making.?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? Many new apostates are made daily and they in turn are becoming soldiers in the struggle of light against darkness and we are growing exponentially. What started as a trickle has become a torrent. What a wonderful way to wage this war where the enemy becomes your friend and best ally!

I find this laughable too. Ali Sina's site Faith Freedom International has an extremely low number of unproven ex-Muslims and one can see Hindus and Christians in action.

There is not even one single ex-Muslim moderator on site, because he does not even trust his own 'ex-Muslims'. That job is being done by German ladies and Americans.

FFI is Ali Sina's grassroot struggle of polemic Christians, evangelists and Hindus.

FFI feels so threatened and insecure when intelligent and knowledgeable Muslims take its members to task and all FFI can do is to ban the genuine Muslims.

The point is that if Ali Sina were to stand up for an election in Canada or the US, he would be standing in the closet and would not even get one vote.

I find no substance in his above quotes.
Post Posted:
Sat 01 May, 2010 11:35 pm
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Post subject: Dissecting Ali Sina: Post 4 Reply with quote  

Ali Sina: Jim Ball, Sydney?????????????????????¢??s No. 1 overnight broadcaster writes: ?????????????????????¢??Ali Sina is the Iranian ex-Muslim behind the website Along with other former Muslims such as Ibn Warraq, Sina is spearheading what may be the first organized movement of ex-Muslims in Islamic history, made possible during the
past ten to fifteen years by Muslim immigration to the West and the growth of the Internet?????????????????????¢??????????????????????¦.It is no exaggeration to say that if the likes of Ali Sina, Ibn Warraq and Wafa Sultan prevail in the face of the traditional death penalty for leaving Islam, then Islam will never again be the same.?????????????????????¢??????????????????????

Not everyone knows Jim Ball and he is no authority on anything. There can be a few more Jim Balls supporting Ali Sina. I find it worth nothing.

Ali Sina: As for my own convictions, I am a Secular Humanist and a World Federalist. Politically, I have neither left nor right inclinations. I am particularly critical of the political left for its misguided and suicidal support of Islam. It seems that in their distorted Weltanschauung, the leftists are convinced
that anyone who is against Judeo Christianity deserves to be supported.
While in mine, anyone who supports Islam deserves be condemned.

Ali Sina

Please note the emboldened part in Ali Sina's quote. He supports rightwingers and extremists like Pat Robertson, Robert Spencer and Geert Wilders.

He exposes himself as a supporter of Judeo Christianity and it is quite obvious from the above emboldened part in his quote.

No wonder, his forum is managed and run by members of Jewish and Christian faiths.
Post Posted:
Sat 01 May, 2010 11:55 pm
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Post subject: Dissecting Ali Sina: Post 5 Reply with quote  

I find this the one of the most shocking and hilarious parts of Ali Sina's book. LMAO!

Ali Sina writes in his acknowledgment:

Ali Sina:

I owe thanks to many people who helped me write this book.

It clearly shows that the book was not written entirely by Ali Sina. It was a team work.

Ali Sina: They corrected my English and provided valuable criticism. Unfortunately I can?????????????????????¢??t name them.

That is because I do not know their real names. Even though they remain anonymous, I am immensely indebted to them.

At least Ali Sina could have mentioned them by their nicknames.

How can readers trust an author of a book, who remains anonymus and declares openly that he had other anonymus writers, who wrote his book, when he did not even know them?

And here, Ali Sina admits that he does not know even their real names. Laughable, isn't it? This is one but an extremely shameful example of a man who wrote a crap and distorted with the help of a group of unknown men, whom he did not know at all.

And Ali Sina is immensely indebted to nicknames.

Who can trust this man? I can't and I am sure no sensible reader would believe in a lying man.

Ali Sina:

I also would like to thank the wonderful friends who volunteered their
time to take full control of the operation of, as site
administrators, editors and moderators of its forums. This allowed me to have time to work on this book.

Can anyone believe this rubbish, after reading his own remarks and my comments?

Ali Sina:

The fight against Islamic terrorism is fought by unsung heroes. These
people give their time and talent to awaken the world to the danger of Islam. They ask nothing in return and remain anonymous.

All reading this comment are at liberty to burst out in laughter.

Thus the useless section "About the author" comes to an end.

Please stay tuned for more.
Post Posted:
Sun 02 May, 2010 12:39 am
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Post subject: Dissecting Ali Sina: Post 6 Reply with quote  

We now come to Preface by Ibn Warraq, another closet apostate, hiding behind a veil and who also writes under a pseudonym.

Notice that none of the genuine ex-Muslims like Maryam Namzie, Wafa Sultan, Ayan Hirsi Ali, Noni Darwaish and others have said a word in praise for Ali Sina at all. Even they do not know the man.

It is a usual practice that any author who writes a book introduces himself and having read how Ali Sina introduced himself, we now see another dubious character Ibn Warraq, a Pakistani ex-Muslim, introducing Ali Sina:

Ibn Warraq:

Ali Sina was born into a Muslim family in Iran. Some of
his relatives were Ayatollahs.

One can accept that Ali Sina was born in Iran as many others have alo been born in Iran.

But the onus is on Ali Sina to show if any of his relatives was an Ayatullah. Even if some of his relatives were Ayatullahs, it does not make Ali Sina look better.

The rest of the comments by Ibn Warraq do not deserve any mention.

It is just like a deaf and blind is praising another deaf and blind.
Post Posted:
Tue 04 May, 2010 2:11 am
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Post subject: Dissecting Ali Sina: Post 7 Reply with quote  

We now come to the megalomaniac clown's chapter Introduction, where he talks about some murders and killings, knowing that the crime rates in the civilized Western countries, such as America and other European countries, are exceedingly high, compared with the low crime rates in many Muslim countries.

I do not wish to go into those unsubstantiated stories as Ali Sina is notoriously famous for cooking up stories, writing emails himself and answering himself, which only liars of ill-repute do.

I will address some of his blatant lies:

Ali Sina wrote:
?????????????????????¢??Kidnapping Hindu girls like this has become a normal practice. The girls are then forced to sign stamped papers stating that they?????????????????????¢??ve become Muslims,?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? says Laljee, a Hindu resident of Karachi. ?????????????????????¢??Hindus here are too frightened to vent their anger ?????????????????????¢?? they fear victimization,?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? he added.

Many Hindu girls meet similar fates in Pakistan. They are abducted,
forced to convert to Islam and forced to marry a Muslim man while their parents are denied the right to see or talk to them.

This is a blatant lie. I have been to Karachi many times and I have lots of friends there, who have confirmed that there had been no such cases. The Hindus live in peace with Muslims in Central and Eastern parts of Karachi. That is a lie and Ali has no solid proof to back up his false accusation.

Ali Sina, then goes on to write and singles out Muslims only:

These acts are insane, but the irony is that none of the perpetrators were insane. They were ?????????????????????¢??absolutely normal?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? people. What motivated them to commit these heinous crimes? The answer is Islam. Such occurrences are daily events in the Islamic world. Everywhere Muslims are busy killing people for what they believe.

Far more worse and more heinous crimes are committed in the West, where Ali lives and he does not think those killers, murderers, rapists go insane. he considers them normal people and does not question what drives them to do that? Is it Christianity or Judaism or the Western culture that drives them to commit such heinous crimes?

Ali Sina then adds and I believe this part was written by one of his Western clueless writers, as this can never come from any person who had really been a Muslim in the past. He should put that question to his family and parents first. lol!

Why? What makes sane people commit such evil? Why are Muslims, as a lot, so angry with others, so at war with the world that they are often quick to resort to violence?

Millions of Muslims riot, protest, and kill completely innocent people anytime, anywhere, when someone says something about Muhammad. This kind of behavior is not rational. Yet the perpetrators are completely sane people. How can we explain this paradox?

He cannot explain this because he has never been a Muslim. Any genuine ex-Muslim would have had known that easily. And he blames it on the prophet:

Ali Sina wrote:
To understand this we must understand that Muslims are expected to be, like, and to think like, their prophet.

This shows that Ali Sina is not an ex-Muslim but a group of people, who write against Islam and exploit isolated cases.

Ali Sina wrote:
It is not possible to make a thorough evaluation of the psychological profile of someone centuries after his death. However, there is a wealth of information about the details of the life of Muhammad and his sayings that are recorded meticulously.

He admits it is not possible and we will see him later trying to make it possible, in a clownish manner. We will also see the 'wealth of information' he quotes from.

Ali Sina wrote:
Traditions that are diffusely recurrent are called mutawattir. These traditions have come down to later generations through a large number of chains of narrations, involving diverse transmitters. It is virtually impossible that all these people, living in different localities and espousing (at times radically) different views, would come together, to fabricate the exact same lie and attribute it to their prophet.

Please mark the emboldened word mutawattir, which he has used and note that Ali Sina is clueless about the types of hadith and how they are classified. It appears to me he does not know that at all.
And to his Western and non-Muslim audience, he only introduces Mutawatir.

Here is a list of common classifications used by scholars to identify the various categories of the compiled narrations:

1. Dhai'f (weak) A narration which is not accurate enough to be classified as "sound" or "fair" and hence cannot be used as a basis for the Islamic tradition. There are eight subcategories
of Dhai'f hadith.

2. Majhul (unknown) One of the narrators in the chain is unknown, meaning there is no (jarh or taadil) about him. In other words, he is so unknown that no compiler of the hadiths has passed a judgement about this narrator.

3. Gharib (unfamiliar - strange) The narration sounds unfamiliar and is not reported by others or differs from the versions narrated by others. Even a Sahih (sound) hadith couldbe Gharib (unfamiliar).

4. Mu'adal (faulty - perplexing) A narration that omits or misses two or more consecutive narrators in the chain, or the text is perplexing.

5. Maqtu (disconnected - severed) A chain that remains incomplete or ends with someone who claims to have met a Companion of the Prophet, or the text begins with the phrase such as "we used to do..."

6. Munqati (disconnected - broken) Similar to either number 2 or 5 above.

7. Mudtarib (confounding) There is a disagreement concerning the source or the narration itself.

8. Mauquf (untraceable - stopped) A narration which is related without transmitting the name of a Companion of the Prophet.

9. Mu'allaq (hanging - faulty) A narrator who omits the entire chain of narrators and quotes the Prophet directly.

10. Mursal (broken chain - hurried) The chain between the first narrator and the Prophet is missing e.g. the first narrator says; "The Prophet said..."

11. Munkar (denounced) A weak narrator whose report goes against another that seems more authentic.

12. Mudraj (interpolated) A narration that has additions to the text of the report by a narrator.

13. Maudu (fabricated - forged) A report that goes against the norms of the sayings of the Prophet, one of the reporters is a liar, or discrepancies are found in the dates of the incident.

14. Musnad (subjective - supported) The chain reaches the Prophet or the narrated report concurs with others.

15. Hasan (fair) A reliable chain but not considered as a totally sound narration.

16. Muttasil (connected) A connected chain that could go up to a Companion or to the Prophet.

17. Maruf (traceable) A traceable chain that could go up to a Companion of the Prophet.

18. Sahih (sound) A narration with an unbroken chain of narrators and the narrators are regarded as the reliable reporters.

I am sure Ali Sina and his FFI goons are not even aware of these. So, to these clowns, everything is mutawatir.

As I go further, I will show how Ali Sina picks various ahadith to make his silly points and fools his ignorant audience.

More later.

Post Posted:
Sat 08 May, 2010 2:05 am
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Post subject: Dissecting Ali Sina: Post 8 Reply with quote  

Ali Sina wrote:
According to some historians, in India alone, more than 80 million people were massacred by the sword of Islam.

Millions were killed in Persia, Egypt and in all other countries that were attacked by marauding Muslims, both during their conquests and in the centuries that followed. It continues today.

Only Koenraad Elst , the so-called German historian, writes in "Negation in India":

As a contribution to research on the quantity of the Islamic crimes against humanity, we may mention that the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanate)

The hilarious part is that not a single Indian writer of India's History mentions this idiotic blown up figure.

First, Will Durant and Koenraad Elst were no great historians. For the two, I can give more than a dozen, who disagree with them. Koenraad Elst was a pro-Hindu freak and the hardcore Hindu Advani quoted only from him.

Talking about 80 million Hindus being slaughtered is laughable. It is like saying, "Move over, Jews! Here we Hindus come with a bigger hoax!"

The population of India was 239 million in 1901, 1095 million in 2001 and you can see that the breeding was the fastest in the last 100 years.

In the 10th-12th Century period, the population was about 35 million against the world population of 170 million.

The claim that Muslims killed 80 million shows that the Hindus had no balls at all. If it were true, all the renowned Historians would have said the same.

Ali Sina wrote:
Muslims often brag, ?????????????????????¢??We love death more than you love life.?????????????????????¢?????????????????????? They have proven it in thousands of terrorist attacks in recent years. How can one man have so much influence over so many people, even to cheerfully die for him andnot hesitate to sacrifice their own children in his cause? Why is it that 25 out of 28 of the on-going conflicts worldwide involve Muslims, who comprise only one fifth of humanity? Taken as a statistical average, this means that Muslims,
as a group, are a whopping 33 times more likely to resort to violence for conflict resolution than the rest of humanity. How can this be?

Here we have an ex-Muslim, who cannot understand that the persecuted and tortured people meant to say, "We prefer death to the life we are living" and instead distorts it to mean as if Muslims do not want to live. How idiotic is that?

He fails to register that all the lands, where on-going conflicts are present, were once colonized by the Western countries, who created all the mess, the divisions and pitted the same Muslims against each other, which is well known. And they still keep on supporting the enemies of their enemies.

Having been an Iranian citizen by birth, Ali should know well how the people of his ex-homeland were sucked dry by the British and how a democratically elected government was brought down and the Shah was installed by most democratic countries USA and the UK.

The war on Iraq by the Americans and the British , under great deceit and lies, is perfectly all right in Ali Sina's view and he fails to see how the Iraqis were pitted against each other by the invading forces.

This shows a display of bigotry and hypocrisy on Ali Sina's part.

I have no more comments on the rest of Ali Sina's junk and stuff in his Introduction. Will proceed to his silly Chapter One later.
Post Posted:
Sat 08 May, 2010 2:40 am
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Age: 76
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Post subject: Dissecting Ali Sina: Post 9 Reply with quote  

We will now proceed with Ali Sina's Chapter One: "Who is Muhammad?"

Ali Sina wrote:
Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor does He hate you. The future will be better for you than the past. And soon your Lord will give you so that you wilt be content. Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? Did He not find you wandering and guide you? Did He not find you in need and enrich you? (Q.93:3-Cool

We will address this verse, brought up by him, later as we go on dissecting his idiotic understanding. Bold emphasis within Ali Sina's quote is mine.

Ali Sina wrote:
Let us begin with Muhammad?????????????????????¢??s story. Let us examine his life.

Who was he and what was his thinking?

In this chapter we will briefly go through the salient points in the life of a man, whom over a billion people literally worship. In fact Islam is
nothing but Muhammadanism.

Muslims claim that they worship no one but All????????????????????????????¢h, but since All????????????????????????????¢h was only Muhammad?????????????????????¢??s alter ego, his other alias and invisible sock puppet, in practice, it?????????????????????¢??s Muhammad whom they worship and that is exactly what Muhammad intended. Islam is the personality cult of

This extremely idiotic statement from Ali Sina that in practice, it?????????????????????¢??s Muhammad whom they worship, clearly exposes Ali Sina as a Fraud and shows that he was really never a Muslim at all.

No Muslim worships Muhammad. Even a genuine ex-Muslim knows well that he/she and her family worshipped only Allah, the LORD Almighty.

And we have this clown telling everyone that Muslims worship Muhammad. Only a megalomaniac suffering from serious mental and personality disorder would make such an idiotic statement.

Or only a person, who has extreme hatred of Islam and carries a grudge, such as a polemic Christian or a polemic Hindu would make such an statement.

Thus Ali Sina proves himself to be an Ignorant Fool.
Post Posted:
Thu 13 May, 2010 2:19 pm
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Age: 76
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Posts: 614


Post subject: Dissecting Ali Sina: Post 10 Reply with quote  

In my post #9, I had mentioned that Ali Sina quoted the following verse:

Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor does He hate you. The future will be better for you than the past. And soon your Lord will give you so that you wilt be content. Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? Did He not find you wandering and guide you? Did He not find you in need and enrich you? (Q.93:3-Cool

And then he added his note 6:

Ali Sina wrote:
Qur?????????????????????¢??an Sura 93: Verses 3-8 (Translations of the Qur?????????????????????¢??an in this book are either by Yusuf Ali or by Shakir.)

My work is not about the sacred scriptures of Islam, but it is based directly on them.

The passages I cite are taken from the Qur?????????????????????¢??an and the Hadith. The Qur?????????????????????¢??an purports to be not the work of any human, but the very words of All????????????????????????????¢h himself, from beginning to end.

The Ahadith (plural for Hadith) are short, collected anecdotes and sayings about Muhammad regarded by Muslims as essential to the understanding and practice of their religion.

It is not necessary for me, in this book, to discuss the innumerable questions raised by the Qur?????????????????????¢??an and the Hadith, their translation into
other languages, or the disputes over subtle nuances in those texts.

For purposes of this book, the passages I cite will mostly speak for themselves. I have taken them from widely accepted sources.

This is where Ali Sina is wrong. First, neither does he understand the Arabic of Qur'aan nor does he understand even the market or street Arabic.

Hadith or the Ahadith are not regarded by Muslims as essential to the understanding and the practice of Islam. No Muslim practices Islam using Hadith.

As we go along with Ali Sina's balderdash, we will see what widely accepted sources those are, what kind of those sources are and how reliable those are, whom he cherry-picks.
Post Posted:
Thu 13 May, 2010 2:32 pm
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